Sunday, December 29, 2024

NYR -Acceptance

My current practice is acceptance.

Anything can happen at any time.

I’m pretty sure this is one of those facts of nature, right up there with nothing is ever created or destroyed, and what goes up must come down.

And I’m pretty sure there isn’t much of anything at all I can do about it.

It’s easier to accept when things are going well, and more of a challenge to practice when they are not.

Acceptance  is possible, no matter how scary, painful or hopeless the situation seems.

Practicing acceptance means I understand that I might not be able to see the big picture; might not be able to comprehend every possible solution or outcome.
It doesnt mean I do nothing, in the face of evil, and it does give me strength to get to the right actions I might need to take.
Trusting in divine order, and god's time makes acceptance of all things possible, and it takes practice.

I’ve had a lot of practice recently.
Events beyond my control, have led me to accept I need assistance to move beyond the symptoms of acute trauma I see in myself, and those around me-human, animal and mineral.

I’m thankful for help that is freely given, and am learning, acceptance of help, is part of the balance of giving and receiving.

I’m clear, part of my mission, right now, is to live in witness to god's unconditional, compassionate love, and be living witness to how we can live to be a comfort to ourselves and to others.
Rereading that it sounds so serious-  part of my mission, always is to have fun, sing and dance and laugh a lot!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on acceptance, recent trauma relief, and whatever is on your mind in this new year.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Threshing, Technology and Time

In Quaker communities, a threshing meeting or threshing session can be  defined as “a meeting at which a variety of different, and sometimes controversial, opinions can be openly, and sometimes forcefully, expressed, often in order to smooth the passage of business at a later meeting for worship for business.
Originally the term was used to describe large and noisy meetings for convincement of `the world's people' in order to `thresh' them away from the world” ( Britain Yearly Meeting’s Quaker Faith &Practice, 12.26).
A threshing meeting can be called to share factual information, individual views and opinions on controversial subjects, express  preferences, and/or ask questions.
 The Clerk of the session is responsible for making sure that everyone present has a chance to speak.
The recording clerk of the session is responsible for recording, as important factual and climatological minutes will serve the Meeting in continuing discernment of the issue.

Often, threshing meetings  are called when discernment at Meeting for worship to conduct business has failed to come to unity.
Generally it is stated that no decision are to be made, the focus is to bring clarity and greater understanding of an issue, and to separate the "grain of truth from the chaff".

Returning to the agricultural reference of threshing, threshing is one step in a process.
First, there has to be sun, and rain, and wind, and fertile ground and seed planted and nurtured to grow the crop.
Secondly, there is knowing when the time is right to harvest the grain.
Third comes the time of threshing, beating the stalks to separate the part of the harvest that will nourish the body, from that which will be returned to the earth for the next cycle of growth. Winnowing, throwing the threshed grain into the wind can further refine and define the seed.
Fourth is continuing to process the grain-cooking, drying-depending on its intending use.

This is a process- a technology.

Bill Tabor used to talk about Quaker methods and processes  as technology. 

A stick is technology, depending on how you view it and use it.

Use and existence of technology exists, and its what it is in service to and how we use it in service that is the query.

If your Meeting is unable to come to Unity on the use of "technology" in the meeting, please take time to ask each other:

  • What is this technology in service to.
  • How can we use this technology to serve the mission and vision of our Meeting.
  • What are the fears and concerns behind those who state worship cannot happen in the presence of Technology? 
  • What is their definition/understanding of technology in that statement.

When we normalize turning to  worship for the answers of these queries and others that will arise, we will realize we have everything we need, including time to respond to them.

Its a practice, a process and a technology and with Divine assistance we can use all we are given to end suffering for all beings everywhere.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Holy weeks

Today, whatever day of whatever Holy week you are in, let us hold in the Light everyone experiencing oppressive forces gathering around them.
Rather than fighting or fleeing, let us support each other in staying focused on our ministries and what we are called to do.
We are all called right now to live in unsettled situations, over which we outwardly have little to no control.
Giving my attention to what is mine to do, is a place of refuge and safety for me and witness to others of the way of peace.
What is going on around me, what others say and do and think, I notice it, and let it be what it is.
Even my own fear can be spiritually surrendered to god(dess) and the holy spirit.
It is in letting go, release and surrender that our safety resides.
We are never alone in this letting go- call a friend, read or listen to inspiring words of others, call on the heart of the way showers who have come before us, and trust that our peaceful hearts make way for our descendants to come after us.

You are not alone. Reach out if you need support.