The voices in my head who love me so much and want me to be safe, tell me-"you can't do that, don't risk it, if you put yourself out there you will be hurt."
I'm listening to these voices, who have chosen me, and learning to tell them back, "thanks, that's one way of looking at life, now you go take a walk."
I've put myself out there. I have taken the risk.
I have listened to other voices who love me, I have done the work, done the writing, done the editing, listened, learned, prayed, discerned, prayed.
And, thank you very much, I am loved and chosen.
I'm pre-approved!
Our Father, the Great Mother, the Holy Spirit all chose me to be their beloved child, just like Jesus, no more, no less, just loved.
And, thank you very much, they know my hearts desire and want me to have it.
Surrender, obedience and faithfulness deliver it into my inbox.
And there are the times of waiting.
I've asked to be chosen and I've done the work and now I have to wait to see the outcome.
I can:
- worry
- try to influence the outcome
- stress about the outcome
- berate myself for not doing enough to influence the outcome
- etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.
Or I can wait.
I learned just today, the hebrew word for wait, quvah can also mean "bind".
So we can do all of the above, or choose to bind ourselves into a time of waiting. Ply ourselves into a time of oneness with the other waiting threads.
Plying takes single, unstable strands and binds them into strong useful rope we can depend on to hold us together.
Thanks to all waiting with me, friends on earth and friends above.
Prayer requests comments and questions always welcomed.